Wolf Tattoo Gallery

The image “http://www.flyertattoo.at/tattoo/modules/coppermine/albums/Animals/normal_lup-tattoo.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “http://www.flyertattoo.at/tattoo/modules/coppermine/albums/Realistic/tattoo-bestial-%20wolf-flyer%2Btattoo%2Bstudio-wien.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “http://www.flyertattoo.at/tattoo/modules/coppermine/albums/Realistic/normal_tattoo-cerberus-flyer-tattoo-studio-wien.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Wolf Tattoo Gallery
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Dog Tattoo

The image “http://www.flyertattoo.at/tattoo/modules/coppermine/albums/Animals/normal_hunde-flyertattoo.at-tattoo.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Dog Tattoo
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Eagle Tattoo

The image “http://www.flyertattoo.at/tattoo/modules/coppermine/albums/Realistic/tattoo-harley-davidson-motor-flyer%2Btattoo%2Bstudio-wien.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Eagle Arm Tattoo
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Dog Tattoo Gallery

The image “http://www.tattoo22.com/dog2.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “http://www.tattoo22.com/dog1.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Dog Tattoo Gallery

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Flowers Tattoo Gallery


The image “http://www.tattoo22.com/flowers52.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Flowers Tattoo Gallery
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Lower Back Tattoos

Lower Back TattoosSo you want to look sexy, and hence decided to get a lower back tattoo? But before that, make sure you follow certain rules while selecting your tattoo design. Also, read through these tips for getting a "lower back tattoo".

Lower Back Tattoo - Look Sexy With the Right Tattoo Design
Sexy Girl With Lower Back Rose Tribal Tattoo

By Jay Aron

Let's cut to the chase. Lower back tattoos are meant for one reason alone - to make you look sexier. And unlike tattoo designs for other parts of your body, your lower back tattoo design needs extra attention during the selection process or else it will be a complete disaster.

Before getting a lower back tattoo, there are a few things to remember. The first and the foremost, which almost goes without saying, is to select the perfect tattoo design.

Sexy girl with a tattoo design of stars on the lower back and waist line Sexy girl with a lower back tattoo of a dolphin

A girl with a lower back tattoo of a butterfly and tribal tattoo designsA perfect design means two things over here. One, it should be a design which you like (and will hopefully like for years to come). Second, it needs to be the right shape and at the right place on your lower back. A V-shape tattoo design is normally best suited for the lower back. However for some people, having odd shapes like a butterfly is the way to go.

Trivia - Guess what design did Julia Roberts choose for her lower back tattoo?
Answer - A butterfly!
Another thing to keep in mind is deciding when to get the tattoo inked. A tattoo on your lower back needs extra planning. Be prepared to wear loose waist pants for a few days for the skin to heal. Don't get yourself inked if you are having a particularly busy month at work or home as the tattoo needs some time to heal, and the last thing you would want to do is mess up the design.

Sexy women with a beautiful sexy lower and upper back tattoo design
Sexy women with a beautiful lower and upper back tattoo design.

Like always, pay extra attention to the design you choose. Due to their shape and size, lower back tattoo designs are a different category all together compared to other tattoo designs. Go through as many design books or online galleries as you can. A lot of ladies like to go for Celtic, butterfly, dragon or flower tattoos. Though in my opinion, there is nothing better than a V-shaped design.

See more "tattoo ideas" with our lower back tattoo picture gallery:

Lower Back Tattoos Tribal Designs Gallery

Bottom line (no pun intended), if you want to get a lower back tattoo, search for a perfect design first...
Get more Cultural - Get a Thai tiger tattoo on your lower back like Angelina Jolie did!
Or if that's not you taste, then make sure you browse through various free and paid tattoo galleries here before you choose a tattoo design for you lower back.
J. Aron is the author of this article and runs several blogs. He is also the author of 'Body Art Magnificent'. He is a Graphic Designer and an Animator by profession.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Aron

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Lower Back Tattoos

Lower Back TattoosSo you want to look sexy, and hence decided to get a lower back tattoo? But before that, make sure you follow certain rules while selecting your tattoo design. Also, read through these tips for getting a "lower back tattoo".

Lower Back Tattoo - Look Sexy With the Right Tattoo Design
Sexy Girl With Lower Back Rose Tribal Tattoo

By Jay Aron

Let's cut to the chase. Lower back tattoos are meant for one reason alone - to make you look sexier. And unlike tattoo designs for other parts of your body, your lower back tattoo design needs extra attention during the selection process or else it will be a complete disaster.

Before getting a lower back tattoo, there are a few things to remember. The first and the foremost, which almost goes without saying, is to select the perfect tattoo design.

Sexy girl with a tattoo design of stars on the lower back and waist line Sexy girl with a lower back tattoo of a dolphin

A girl with a lower back tattoo of a butterfly and tribal tattoo designsA perfect design means two things over here. One, it should be a design which you like (and will hopefully like for years to come). Second, it needs to be the right shape and at the right place on your lower back. A V-shape tattoo design is normally best suited for the lower back. However for some people, having odd shapes like a butterfly is the way to go.

Trivia - Guess what design did Julia Roberts choose for her lower back tattoo?
Answer - A butterfly!
Another thing to keep in mind is deciding when to get the tattoo inked. A tattoo on your lower back needs extra planning. Be prepared to wear loose waist pants for a few days for the skin to heal. Don't get yourself inked if you are having a particularly busy month at work or home as the tattoo needs some time to heal, and the last thing you would want to do is mess up the design.

Sexy women with a beautiful sexy lower and upper back tattoo design
Sexy women with a beautiful lower and upper back tattoo design.

Like always, pay extra attention to the design you choose. Due to their shape and size, lower back tattoo designs are a different category all together compared to other tattoo designs. Go through as many design books or online galleries as you can. A lot of ladies like to go for Celtic, butterfly, dragon or flower tattoos. Though in my opinion, there is nothing better than a V-shaped design.

See more "tattoo ideas" with our lower back tattoo picture gallery:

Lower Back Tattoos Tribal Designs Gallery

Bottom line (no pun intended), if you want to get a lower back tattoo, search for a perfect design first...
Get more Cultural - Get a Thai tiger tattoo on your lower back like Angelina Jolie did!
Or if that's not you taste, then make sure you browse through various free and paid tattoo galleries here before you choose a tattoo design for you lower back.
J. Aron is the author of this article and runs several blogs. He is also the author of 'Body Art Magnificent'. He is a Graphic Designer and an Animator by profession.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Aron

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Lower Back Tattoos

Lower Back TattoosSo you want to look sexy, and hence decided to get a lower back tattoo? But before that, make sure you follow certain rules while selecting your tattoo design. Also, read through these tips for getting a "lower back tattoo".

Lower Back Tattoo - Look Sexy With the Right Tattoo Design
Sexy Girl With Lower Back Rose Tribal Tattoo

By Jay Aron

Let's cut to the chase. Lower back tattoos are meant for one reason alone - to make you look sexier. And unlike tattoo designs for other parts of your body, your lower back tattoo design needs extra attention during the selection process or else it will be a complete disaster.

Before getting a lower back tattoo, there are a few things to remember. The first and the foremost, which almost goes without saying, is to select the perfect tattoo design.

Sexy girl with a tattoo design of stars on the lower back and waist line Sexy girl with a lower back tattoo of a dolphin

A girl with a lower back tattoo of a butterfly and tribal tattoo designsA perfect design means two things over here. One, it should be a design which you like (and will hopefully like for years to come). Second, it needs to be the right shape and at the right place on your lower back. A V-shape tattoo design is normally best suited for the lower back. However for some people, having odd shapes like a butterfly is the way to go.

Trivia - Guess what design did Julia Roberts choose for her lower back tattoo?
Answer - A butterfly!
Another thing to keep in mind is deciding when to get the tattoo inked. A tattoo on your lower back needs extra planning. Be prepared to wear loose waist pants for a few days for the skin to heal. Don't get yourself inked if you are having a particularly busy month at work or home as the tattoo needs some time to heal, and the last thing you would want to do is mess up the design.

Sexy women with a beautiful sexy lower and upper back tattoo design
Sexy women with a beautiful lower and upper back tattoo design.

Like always, pay extra attention to the design you choose. Due to their shape and size, lower back tattoo designs are a different category all together compared to other tattoo designs. Go through as many design books or online galleries as you can. A lot of ladies like to go for Celtic, butterfly, dragon or flower tattoos. Though in my opinion, there is nothing better than a V-shaped design.

See more "tattoo ideas" with our lower back tattoo picture gallery:

Lower Back Tattoos Tribal Designs Gallery

Bottom line (no pun intended), if you want to get a lower back tattoo, search for a perfect design first...
Get more Cultural - Get a Thai tiger tattoo on your lower back like Angelina Jolie did!
Or if that's not you taste, then make sure you browse through various free and paid tattoo galleries here before you choose a tattoo design for you lower back.
J. Aron is the author of this article and runs several blogs. He is also the author of 'Body Art Magnificent'. He is a Graphic Designer and an Animator by profession.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Aron

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Swallow Tattoos

Swallow tattoos are considered old school sailor tattoos. But they have been revived and are making a great comeback. Swallows symbolize freedom, love and loyalty. You see many people with "pairs of swallows", one looking forward and the other looking back, representing ending one chapter and starting a new chapter in life. You can use your imagination and come up with a unique twist to your swallow tattoos if you have the right tools. I'll tell you what those tools are.

Swallow Tattoos - Old School Sailor Tattoos Making a Comeback
By Tatum Tyler

swallow tattoo

Many people get swallow tattoos and sparrow tattoos confused. Swallow tattoos have a lot of symbolism associated with them. Swallows are known to return to the same place year after year. Many of us have heard of the swallows making their trip back to San Juan Capistrano every year. Sailors got swallow tattoos as a symbol that they would return home safely from a trip.
It was also believed that a swallow carried the souls of the dead away. So if a sailor did not return, a swallow carried their soul. Many people get swallow tattoos as in loving memory tattoos of fallen soldiers. A new sailor would get his first swallow tattoo after 5,000 miles, then another after the next 5,000.

Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds
Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds

It is believed that swallows mate for life so swallow tattoos represent the wearer's belief that he (or she) can find true love. If any of these symbols stir feelings in you then perhaps swallow tattoos are something that you should think about. You want your tattoo to be meaningful. A tattoo that you get just for looks wears off after awhile. A tattoo is meant to be with you for life so you want it to be personal.

swallow tattoo
Swallow Tattoo with name banner scroll

If you want to get a swallow tattoo but not quite sure how you want it portrayed, go online to a good tattoo gallery and search the files. The good membership galleries have pictures of swallow tattoos on real people. You can see what a certain design actually looks like. As you browse, use your imagination and think of what would make your tattoo unique.
As a member of an online tattoo gallery, you have unlimited download rights to as many tattoo designs as you want. You can print off several that you like and put the different parts together to make your unique tattoo.

Choosing a tattoo can be a hard decision. It will be with you for life so you want it to be unique and imaginative. Stop wasting time looking at website after website. Check out this review and make an investment now in one of the best membership tattoo gallery sites.
Find great swallow tattoos by joining an online tattoo gallery and looking through thousands of the best tattoo designs all in one place. Get unlimited downloads of tattoos so you can find the best tattoo designs for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tatum_Tyler

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Swallow Tattoos

Swallow tattoos are considered old school sailor tattoos. But they have been revived and are making a great comeback. Swallows symbolize freedom, love and loyalty. You see many people with "pairs of swallows", one looking forward and the other looking back, representing ending one chapter and starting a new chapter in life. You can use your imagination and come up with a unique twist to your swallow tattoos if you have the right tools. I'll tell you what those tools are.

Swallow Tattoos - Old School Sailor Tattoos Making a Comeback
By Tatum Tyler

swallow tattoo

Many people get swallow tattoos and sparrow tattoos confused. Swallow tattoos have a lot of symbolism associated with them. Swallows are known to return to the same place year after year. Many of us have heard of the swallows making their trip back to San Juan Capistrano every year. Sailors got swallow tattoos as a symbol that they would return home safely from a trip.
It was also believed that a swallow carried the souls of the dead away. So if a sailor did not return, a swallow carried their soul. Many people get swallow tattoos as in loving memory tattoos of fallen soldiers. A new sailor would get his first swallow tattoo after 5,000 miles, then another after the next 5,000.

Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds
Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds

It is believed that swallows mate for life so swallow tattoos represent the wearer's belief that he (or she) can find true love. If any of these symbols stir feelings in you then perhaps swallow tattoos are something that you should think about. You want your tattoo to be meaningful. A tattoo that you get just for looks wears off after awhile. A tattoo is meant to be with you for life so you want it to be personal.

swallow tattoo
Swallow Tattoo with name banner scroll

If you want to get a swallow tattoo but not quite sure how you want it portrayed, go online to a good tattoo gallery and search the files. The good membership galleries have pictures of swallow tattoos on real people. You can see what a certain design actually looks like. As you browse, use your imagination and think of what would make your tattoo unique.
As a member of an online tattoo gallery, you have unlimited download rights to as many tattoo designs as you want. You can print off several that you like and put the different parts together to make your unique tattoo.

Choosing a tattoo can be a hard decision. It will be with you for life so you want it to be unique and imaginative. Stop wasting time looking at website after website. Check out this review and make an investment now in one of the best membership tattoo gallery sites.
Find great swallow tattoos by joining an online tattoo gallery and looking through thousands of the best tattoo designs all in one place. Get unlimited downloads of tattoos so you can find the best tattoo designs for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tatum_Tyler

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Swallow Tattoos

Swallow tattoos are considered old school sailor tattoos. But they have been revived and are making a great comeback. Swallows symbolize freedom, love and loyalty. You see many people with "pairs of swallows", one looking forward and the other looking back, representing ending one chapter and starting a new chapter in life. You can use your imagination and come up with a unique twist to your swallow tattoos if you have the right tools. I'll tell you what those tools are.

Swallow Tattoos - Old School Sailor Tattoos Making a Comeback
By Tatum Tyler

swallow tattoo

Many people get swallow tattoos and sparrow tattoos confused. Swallow tattoos have a lot of symbolism associated with them. Swallows are known to return to the same place year after year. Many of us have heard of the swallows making their trip back to San Juan Capistrano every year. Sailors got swallow tattoos as a symbol that they would return home safely from a trip.
It was also believed that a swallow carried the souls of the dead away. So if a sailor did not return, a swallow carried their soul. Many people get swallow tattoos as in loving memory tattoos of fallen soldiers. A new sailor would get his first swallow tattoo after 5,000 miles, then another after the next 5,000.

Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds
Tattoo of a Pair of Swallow Birds

It is believed that swallows mate for life so swallow tattoos represent the wearer's belief that he (or she) can find true love. If any of these symbols stir feelings in you then perhaps swallow tattoos are something that you should think about. You want your tattoo to be meaningful. A tattoo that you get just for looks wears off after awhile. A tattoo is meant to be with you for life so you want it to be personal.

swallow tattoo
Swallow Tattoo with name banner scroll

If you want to get a swallow tattoo but not quite sure how you want it portrayed, go online to a good tattoo gallery and search the files. The good membership galleries have pictures of swallow tattoos on real people. You can see what a certain design actually looks like. As you browse, use your imagination and think of what would make your tattoo unique.
As a member of an online tattoo gallery, you have unlimited download rights to as many tattoo designs as you want. You can print off several that you like and put the different parts together to make your unique tattoo.

Choosing a tattoo can be a hard decision. It will be with you for life so you want it to be unique and imaginative. Stop wasting time looking at website after website. Check out this review and make an investment now in one of the best membership tattoo gallery sites.
Find great swallow tattoos by joining an online tattoo gallery and looking through thousands of the best tattoo designs all in one place. Get unlimited downloads of tattoos so you can find the best tattoo designs for you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tatum_Tyler

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Cool and Stylish Celtic Tattoo Designs

Celtic tattooCeltic tattoo designs are a popular and cool option when considering symbolic tattoos. There is no limit to the designs available or the art in question.

Celtic Tattoo
Cool Celtic tattoo

Cool and Stylish Celtic Tattoo Designs
By Jennifer Langston

Celtic tattoo designs are a popular and cool option when considering symbolic tattoos. There is no limit to the designs available or the art in question, so Celtic tattoos are a frequent choice with tattoo enthusiasts of all ages.

Celtic Tattoo

Celtic tattoos are based off of Celtic art. When used in reference to tattoos, the adjective "Celtic" is pretty much synonymous with "tribal." Not only are they considered stylish now and very popular, they are historically popular as well.

Celtic tattoo crossThe most popular Celtic designs are variations on the Celtic cross, which is typically a cross comprised of woven lines and a circle around the intersection of the lines of the cross. Also, the woven Celtic arm band is worn by both sexes with pride. Other popular designs classified as Celtic are the "Celtic knot" and the Claddaugh, which is the known Irish design that has two hands holding a heart.

Since Celtic culture dates back to six centuries BC, you can be sure that people have been getting Celtic tattoos since the inception of tattoos themselves. People today see Celtic tattoos as a way to connect with their roots by displaying an ornamental design.

Celtic and tribal art are the main inspiration for tattoos described as such. Celtic art is based heavily off of symbolism, and is not based in nature. The typically curved or woven lines are clean and monochromatic, with black being the standard. They vary greatly, and there really is no "typical" Celtic tattoo. Standard of the style, though, are thick lines full of asymmetrical, curved lines that frequently weave together.

Some examples of Celtic tattoo designs
Celtic tattoo
Celtic tattoo
Celtic tattoo

If you're considering getting a Celtic tattoo, do a quick search on the internet. You'll find thousands of pictures of Celtic designs, and you and your tattoo artist can design a tattoo based on one you see or simply draw inspiration from the pictures you find.
Be sure to shop around for a great, trusted, experienced tattoo artist. You two can make sure you're on the same page and perfect the idea. Your only limit is what you can dream up, so take your time to find something you can be proud of. Remember, tattoos are permanent!

Celtic tattoo designs are popular and there's no reason to not get a design that's totally unique. Shop around, take the time, and you can have a Celtic tattoo to be proud of. Be sure to choose the perfect design and the perfect place for your ink and you'll have something to call your own.

When it comes to tattoo designs, their are tons of choices for you to consider. One of the most popular are the Celtic tattoo designs.
For more tattoo designs and ideas, check out: Tattoo Designs
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Langston

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